Expertise and trust

Good news The Mobilé 4 flow & innovation team is very busy with projects. Together with our clients, we accelerate the flow of work in project organisations. Our target is 20%. On our WHY page, our clients tell to what extent we are achieving this: Despite these fantastic results, convincing people of our expertise …

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Tools for leaders

The world faces major challenges, organisations are overloaded The world faces major challenges. Energy transition and climate adaptation are two of them. The challenge of renovating Europe’s infrastructure also belongs on the list. We want to avoid a second Ponta Morandi (the bridge in Genoa that collapsed) or Grimburgwal (the collapsed quay in Amsterdam). The …

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Happy New Year! For governments + companies

Happy New Year! I have good news for you: also in 2024 the end of the world is probably not going to happen. Human ingenuity and organisational talent are so strong that we can master the great challenges of our time, provided that governments and private companies work together. Over the Christmas holidays, I read …

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From ChatGPT to flow serious gaming

ChatGPT about Project Portfolio flow Out of curiosity, I created a query on ChatGPT lately. My first request to the artificially intelligent chatbot was: “Write about `het rampjaar´1672 in Holland”. I was impressed. Within no time, a story appears on my screen. In a knowledgeable tone, ChatGPT writes that the French army overran large parts …

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Do you see blue light?

With Menno Graaf, Niels Mani, Emmo Meijer, Kerstin Zulechner. A story about the flow approach The results of the flow approach speak for themselves. At the beginning of a collaboration, our clients often ask for a description of the flow approach, which also speaks for itself. Our colleague Kevin Fox tells a story which is …

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Is your main problem the root cause?

With Menno Graaf, Niels Mani, Emmo Meijer. A Root cause analysis is revealing and inspiring Almost everyone will agree with the saying that you have to tackle problems at the root. However, the logical analysis which reduces consequences to causes and ultimately the `root cause’, is not widely applied. We like to start a collaboration …

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FLOW highlights

With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall, Emmo Meijer and Kerstin Zulechner. Flow in project programs Since the beginning of this year, we have been writing about flow in innovation management and project programs. These are specialist texts *[i]. To achieve more project flow or more successful innovation projects, decisions at the top-management level are needed. This …

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Process innovations for a quantum leap

With Ian Heptinstall, Menno Graaf, Hugo van Merrienboer en Emmo Meijer. Smartly copying process innovations makes a lot of sense In the comparison between economic sectors, the productivity of the infrastructure sector has been at the bottom of the list for many years. This is not because of a lack of will power. Our calendars …

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How you can boost innovation with FLOW

With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall, Hugo van Merrienboer and Emmo Meijer. Speed up time to market of innovations as well as new projects We now know that project portfolios can be executed >25% faster. All relevant knowled­ge, expe­­­­rien­­ce and examples are available. We will be happy to share them with you.[1] The leap in productivity …

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Fast lanes for all projects

With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall and Emmo Meijer. Ukraine crisis makes managing the bottlenecks in infrastructure sector highly urgent The starting point of this blog series is that the bottleneck for societal challenges such as the energy transition, climate adaptation and the Dutch Replacement & Renovation Task (V&R) lies in the infrastructure sector. Our objective …

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