
How you can boost innovation with FLOW

With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall, Hugo van Merrienboer and Emmo Meijer. Speed up time to market of innovations as well as new projects We now know that project portfolios can be executed >25% faster. All relevant knowled­ge, expe­­­­rien­­ce and examples are available. We will be happy to share them with you.[1] The leap in productivity …

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Fast lanes for all projects

With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall and Emmo Meijer. Ukraine crisis makes managing the bottlenecks in infrastructure sector highly urgent The starting point of this blog series is that the bottleneck for societal challenges such as the energy transition, climate adaptation and the Dutch Replacement & Renovation Task (V&R) lies in the infrastructure sector. Our objective …

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Process innovation for harmony + win win win


With Menno Graaf, Ian Heptinstall and Emmo Meijer. The critical chain and a reader’s question In our previous blog, we wrote that the critical chain is the longest sequence of tasks in a project which, due to interdependencies, must be performed one after the other. This is by necessity the fastest possible way to carry …

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You can use the bottleneck to accelerate

You can use the bottleneck in projects to accelerate

With Menno Graaf and Emmo Meijer. Increasing the output of the infrastructure sector by a quantum leap Our previous blog concludes that the bottleneck lies in the infrastructure sector where it concerns the total of major societal challenges such as the energy transition, the replacement and renovation of infrastructure, and climate adaptation. We have asked …

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The bottleneck in the infrastructure sector


With Menno Graaf and Emmo Meijer. The Dutch have to deliver another masterpiece God created the earth, but the Dutch created the Netherlands. The Dutch are faced with the historical task of having to deliver another masterpiece. Rijkswaterstaat, provinces, municipalities and private enterprises are working on the replacement and renovation of bridges, viaducts and sluices. …

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The secret of ladders and leaders

Where is the leader?

Where are the leaders? There are many reasons why people should do more to make better use of human ingenuity. Seldom were the challenges to humanity so great: life-threatening heatwaves and flooding related to global warming as well as the need for energy transition, to mention a few, demand the utmost innovation power. At the …

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Never a dull moment in project organisations

stressed business woman

How to reduce stress and improve output with Project Portfolio FLOW. People in project organisations never experience a dull moment: Finish dates of projects are uncertain and must again and again be delayed Too many projects compete for attention Critical input from clients and suppliers is often overdue and repeatedly necessitates rework ‘Never a dull …

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Remote Coordinated Working with Flow

Remote Coordinated Working with Flow

A term often used to describe online working is Remote Distributed Working. The responsibility of leadership however is not just to distribute work, but also to bring things together and to manage for results. For what we want to achieve Remote Coordinated Working is a much better term. Just as in musical concertos, leadership must …

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People are working remotely. How to secure their productivity?

Working remote

With part or even the complete workforce working remotely, productivity is at stake. Leaders face new challenges in effectively supporting their people and safeguarding output. Our clients experiences tells that people prepare themselves better for online meetings. Keeping an overview over work however is more difficult. Project management practices can make a big difference. Some …

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Europe´s future is the WHY of business and political leaders

Sustain Europe's future

European ideals fostered industry and commerce Europe is the cradle of many civilizations. In its age of enlightenment, it shaped ideals – freedom, equality, tolerance and reason – which many today still see as worth defending and living for. These ideals helped to establish a climate that fostered science, industry and commerce. They have strongly …

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