Time & space 4 FLOW

Renewal of traffic and energy infrastructure badly needed

Television and newspapers regularly report on the need to renew infrastructure. The many bridges, viaducts, locks and tunnels built in the reconstruction years after WWII are reaching the end of their lifespans. This leads to a wave of renovation and replacement projects.

The people in charge are preparing to get all that work done. The challenge is all the greater because technical professionals are scarce. Not only traffic infrastructure needs to be renewed, energy infrastructure is also in need of replacement. Also, whole new energy infrastructure is being built in order to meet the challenges of the energy transition. The Companies working on this are fishing in the same pond of scarce skilled workers as those in the traffic infrastructure.

Being caught up in the day-to-day means no time to improve

So the infrastructure sector needs to become more productive. While the workload is already high. Managers are sometimes completely consumed by the issues of the day and complain that they do want to, but have no time to improve. That feels like pulling a cart with square wheels. Of course, no one wants that. And they don’t have to. 

Using time effectively

The people at Mobilé 4 flow & innovation work with clients to improve the flow of projects. This results in more projects with less effort and delivery dates with high reliability. We always start with some measures that create room to work on the improvement project. The special thing is that these measures also improve flow at the same time. So two birds with one stone: firstly, time and space, and secondly, more projects.

A nice anecdote describes an example of this. Lately, a client told me about a déjà vu he had had. A project manager had walked into his office to tell him that she had room to start a new project. The déjà vu consisted of the client having read the night before in a book in which Goldratt writes how a project manager walks in to him with the same question.

Goldratt tells him not to start a new project when all the preparatory work has not yet been completed. The reason for this is that if all the starting conditions of a project have not yet been met, such as licensing, starting the project will irrevocably result in the project grinding to a halt, because one will still have to wait until the permits are in place. But with this difference that now not only the project manager has to wait, but with her or him all others now involved in the project as well…

With the self-confidence of someone who has already achieved a 20 percent throughput acceleration in his project organisation, the client told us that he asked the project leader to wait for the Full Kit first and use her free space to work on the improvement project of the own organisation. 

Full Kit stands for all the things that need to be prepared so that a project, once started, can flow in one go. The starting conditions vary from organisation to organisation, but for all organisations, with good preparation, projects are completed faster, time can be used much more effectively and productivity increases. 

There is nothing as exciting as …

The challenges we all face together are not insignificant.

Let’s look on the bright side. The knowledge you need to meet your challenges head-on is there. And nothing beats the realisation that you have all the capabilities you need to take on big challenges, and then succeed in doing so.

Would you like to experience the joy of successfully reaching your goals, even though feel that relevant knowledge and experience might still be lacking?

The above is an appetiser of the knowledge and experience available to the experts on the Mobilé 4 flow & innovation team. With this knowledge, we can help you meet your challenges and succeed. Especially when it comes to complex tasks where small bits do not help, because a systems approach is needed, combining solutions with understanding.

You sit on the motorbike, so to speak, we ride along in the sidecar for a while and help you pick and develop the tools that will help you face your challenges with confidence.

I would be very interested in talking to you about your organisation’s challenges. Let’s do just that. I warmly invite you to make an appointment with me . Or send me an e-mail and tell me about your goals or ask me your question. I look forward to our conversation or exchange of views.

By Willem de Wit, 24th october 2024
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